PoF CTR Competition

So,  Ben from PoF hosted a competition on the STM forum (if you’re not a member, you’re missing on some wicked  info – StackThatMoney).

The competition details were (paraphrased from Ben himself)

“You have to use your own pictures to advertise a dating offer on POF. Everyone targets the same demographic and whoever gets the highest CTR, wins $200 credit to their advertising account. The winner must out their ad at the end of the contest “

So I decided to participate but take it a little further and split test a few things which yielded some interesting stats. Feast your eyes on some interesting data.

First things first, I split tested both ad-sizes 110×80 and 310×110 just to see what effect it had.

Spent: $28.43
Lifetime Impressions: 129,241
Overall CTR: 0.044%

Here are the ads  I used.. (the ad copy was a template provided by STM) ..  Also, I put a “watermark” on the images for obvious reasons.


What I found interesting from my above tests were:

  • Shirtless pic didn’t do so well
  • The mirror “MySpace” pic and snowboarder/adventurous pic performed the best.
  • Changing the word Astronaut with Snowboarder helped CTR.
  • Cartoonifying myself helped CTR (in Photoshop: Gaussian Blur->Fade Gaussian Blur, Darken, Posterize)

The colour test that Maynzie did recently gave me the idea to test out purple as it was the best performer amongst women (apparently purple represents sexual frustration too!).

In both tests (border/background colour), it got better CTR.

Now onto the 110×80′s which performed significantly worse (hint, try 310×110′s if you already aren’t!).

I skipped a couple tests here, one image got denied because it had no border and looked like it was a white BG.

The other is the border-split test which I somehow forgot to include. Nevertheless, here are the results!



I found it strange that the images didn’t perform the same in the different ad dimensions, but then again, 5k impressions is probably not enough to be classed as significant data.

Hope you take away something from the above tests.

– Andrew

If you’re looking for further Affiliate Marketing Guidance, check out StackThatMoney. Best community of experienced marketers from around the globe, exclusive meetups, follow along’s, tutorials and the knowledge of a thousand sun-gods.


Can’t Decide on Tracking Software?

I’ve recently switched over to a new tracking platform called Thrive by the guys over at iPyxel which I love. It’s still in development, but is constantly improving and making strides, and the best part about it can be self-hosted. The offer a 30-day trial and it’s $99 a month thereafter which is well worth the investment.

Those on a smaller budget can still opt to go the CPVLab route, another favorite of mine but a little more outdated. It is, however, more suitable for PPV traffic if that’s your traffic of choice.

PPV Landing Page Tips

First off I’d like to apologize for the lack of posts on the blog lately, I’ve been slacking and haven’t had much inspiration lately to write anything as I want every post I make to be as useful, relative or entertaining as possible (not so true with the post on ASW… to some extent )

Since I’ve shifted my focus for the next month to diversifying by building out 1 or 2 profitable PPV campaigns to run alongside some other profitable campaigns I have running at the moment, I’ve come up with a few things that I think will make lives easier and potentially help with landing page CTR (not verified to be true, but worth a test in whichever niche you promote).

Removing TLD from targets

First of all, an idea I came up with recently was that it would potentially look more trustworthy to present the user (as long as the offer you’re promoting allows it) with the name of the website, minus the TLD.

Now this only works if your targeting domains in the first place, so if you’re not, separate the campaign into two so you can have separate landers for different targets types (keywords and domains).

Basically, if your target has a “.” anywhere in it, it’s going to split it up. This isn’t flawless, especially if you’re targeting subdomains.

This will work for simple url targets such as:


It’ll also capitalise the first letter..here’s the code:

	$target = $_GET["keyword"];
	$tmpArray = explode(".", $target);
	$sitename = ucfirst($tmpArray[0]);

For the above examples, something.com, something.org and something.net

$sitename will be equal to “Something” for you to use on your pages:

Dear <!--?php echo $sitename ?--> Visitor,

Unique color scheme’s to match the target URL

Now, this is an easy way to develop color schemes for your landers with a tiny bit of PHP and CSS.

Using the above code, you can also assign classes to the main container which you are using for the site, be it the body tag or a centrally aligned div.

All you need to do is use this code on your container tag, for this example I’ll assume it’s a div:

<div class="<?php echo $sitename; ?>">
.... something goes here

Within your main CSS stylesheet, you can now style entire pages to use different colors quite easily.

This is something you would do with your top, high volume targets if you would like to test whether or not the color scheme helps CTR).

Lets assume you have your top five targets:

  • google.com
  • stackthatmoney.com
  • imgrind.com
  • facebook.com
  • mrgreen.am

Now lets open up our stylesheet. Using the above HTML, let assume we want to have a different color border for each of these sites, however you want the same color border for google and mrgreen, the same for imgrind and facebook, and stackthatmoney can have their own.

This the CSS code you could use to achieve this:

div.google .border,
div.mrgreen .border { color: #0C0; }
div.imgrind .border,
div.facebook .border { color: #06F; }
div.stackthatmoney .border { color: #06F; }

I’ll be running some split tests with this idea on my current campaigns, perhaps I’ll follow this up with a case study.

– Andrew

If you’re looking for further Affiliate Marketing Guidance, check out StackThatMoney. Best community of experienced marketers from around the globe, exclusive meetups, follow along’s, tutorials and the knowledge of a thousand sun-gods.


Can’t Decide on Tracking Software?

I’ve recently switched over to a new tracking platform called Thrive by the guys over at iPyxel which I love. It’s still in development, but is constantly improving and making strides, and the best part about it can be self-hosted. The offer a 30-day trial and it’s $99 a month thereafter which is well worth the investment.

Those on a smaller budget can still opt to go the CPVLab route, another favorite of mine but a little more outdated. It is, however, more suitable for PPV traffic if that’s your traffic of choice.