Shrink the size of your PPV Landers for more $$

Another quick post here, I’ve been very busy in the trenches launching campaigns, managing existing ones, dabbling with co-registration and organizing my world-wide-escapade (I’m headed to Canada via Thailand and Tokyo!).

Here are my tips to reduce the load times of your landing pages:

Reduce HTTP Requests

This is quite simple and does not require much work. Where possible, combine your CSS and JavaScript files and remove any references (especially duplicate references, which I’ve seen plenty of times before on other landers) that are not required.

The less connections a browser has to make, the better the page load performance will be. Every millisecond counts.

Compress CSS/JS/HTML

One thing I’ve used to optimize the final output of landing pages is a simple, old, yet effective tactic called compression. Always make a copy of your final product into another directory before trying this (backup).

My favourite tools are online based.


Optimize your images for the web

When exporting images for the web from within photoshop, you can actually save the files optimised for web, as well as increase the lossiness of the image in order to shrink the file-size significantly.

Depending on the image, a 20% decrease in quality is far from noticeable to the eye, yet can make a huge difference in the file-size. Another thing this achieves is excluding unnecessary meta-data that JPEGs can hold.

When saving your images, instead of the typical CTRL+S shortcut (Sorry MAC users, I am not familiar with your hotkeys), get used to using CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+S.

Alternatively you can use File->Save for Web & Devices from the main menu.

Save for Web & Devices
Save for Web & Devices - Face Blurred for Legal Reasons

I hope this helps!

If you’re looking for further Affiliate Marketing Guidance, check out StackThatMoney. Best community of experienced marketers from around the globe, exclusive meetups, follow along’s, tutorials and the knowledge of a thousand sun-gods.


Can’t Decide on Tracking Software?

I’ve recently switched over to a new tracking platform called Thrive by the guys over at iPyxel which I love. It’s still in development, but is constantly improving and making strides, and the best part about it can be self-hosted. The offer a 30-day trial and it’s $99 a month thereafter which is well worth the investment.

Those on a smaller budget can still opt to go the CPVLab route, another favorite of mine but a little more outdated. It is, however, more suitable for PPV traffic if that’s your traffic of choice.


Young, driven, health-conscious affiliate marketer providing you with tips to improve your health and fatten your wallet.

5 thoughts to “Shrink the size of your PPV Landers for more $$”

  1. Great post this is going to be helpful for some publishers who seem to ask this same question over and over. I will send them your way to read up on the topic from the PRO! Keep up the hard work on the blog. Also try adding an RSS Subscription to your sidebar for my Google reader.

    1. Thanks Steve, I’ve got even more tips I could give but these three should definitely help out. This blog is my new creation, it needs a lot of attention! Thanks for the tip 🙂

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