New To Internet Marketing? Take a Step Back and K.I.S.S

We have all been there before, the newbies of the IM world. There is so much information available today for the new marketer, but it seems that the fundamental prophecy written by the gods of affosphere has been lost in translation and newbies are just being ‘pwned’ left, right and centre – killing their motivation to succeed.

And what is this prophecy?

The K.I.S.S  factor!!!!

Now before I explain what it is, grab a marker and write this on your forehead – “Keep it Simple Stuipid”. Now every night before you got to bed and in the morning it is subconsiouslly embedded in your mind.

I can not tell you the amount of times someone has come to me, lacking motivation because their landing page suited to black women with pink hair, who are single moms and want love in Alaska was not working for them….

Or they jump into PPV and spend days on end trickling in 100 views a day because their targeting is so tight and they kill their dreams from 27 cent losses.

If you wanna make some money you have to K-I-S-S!

The first step for the new marketer I would say is jump on social traffic, particularly Facebook and Plenty of Fish.

Forget making custom landing pages, and go into your network and you will see 100’s of offers dedicated to niches, pre-tested by the advertiser to convert!

And you know what? They do convert and they convert well.

So if you are struggling still to make a profit online, even your first $100/day take a step back and leave those ultra mega guru tips to the professionals and build your base with the easier platforms.

Forget wasting hours on end tweaking a $5 campaign and go all out and dominate Plenty of fish’s niche targeting with the pre made niche offers available on your networks 🙂

I hope this helps somewhat and if anyone needs some more help on what I’m trying to convey here, drop a comment, drop an email and myself or Andrew will get back to you and help your poor newbie soul can get on the right track!


If you’re looking for further Affiliate Marketing Guidance, check out StackThatMoney. Best community of experienced marketers from around the globe, exclusive meetups, follow along’s, tutorials and the knowledge of a thousand sun-gods.


Can’t Decide on Tracking Software?

I’ve recently switched over to a new tracking platform called Thrive by the guys over at iPyxel which I love. It’s still in development, but is constantly improving and making strides, and the best part about it can be self-hosted. The offer a 30-day trial and it’s $99 a month thereafter which is well worth the investment.

Those on a smaller budget can still opt to go the CPVLab route, another favorite of mine but a little more outdated. It is, however, more suitable for PPV traffic if that’s your traffic of choice.

Number 1 Mistake New Affiliates Make.

Yo there, Maynzie here.

Just briefly wanna touch on a point, that when I try and tutor people the game of IM so many get stuck on, hopefully this can clear up some of that.

What I find, including myself when starting out are people are damn scared of losing money, even complaining about $3 losses on a $13 revenue campaign.

You are *NOT* actually losing money, but more, buying yourself an online education, just like with any other profession, you must learn first.

Now, before we move on lets take a look at a few of these numbers.

Now in Melbourne, Australia a civil engineer goes to uni for about 5 years.

Now the cost of the university degree to become qualified will cost about $60,000

Not to mention the cost of your time, involved into going to university as it is basically 4-5 days a week.

And when your out? You earn say $50k-$100k, but working 6 days a week and 10 hour days.

How about those exclusive surgeons and doctors?

Hmmm… 7-15 years of tertiary study at a whopping $100k-$400k? No thankyou.

Now onto IM.

I personally, have spent I believe not even $3000 in the past 15 months on an education, and yet am in a better situation then most professionals in the workforce, working double the hours for ‘the man’.

So the math.

Say 6-12 months of proper work will get you pretty far into the IM world.

You’ll probably end up making quite a large profit, with no loss over that year.

Years to come? $100k-$200k-$500k-$1m?

These other ‘elite’ professions would be dazed!

So now that I have cleared the air you may realise that ‘losing’ money in the beginning, is not losing, its an education and if your not going to do internet marketing, your probably going to do the same, 100 fold times worse doing a university degree!

So what you going to do now?

You will STOP reading blogs and forums all day, you will open your wallet and spend those dollars, buying the brighter future of the affiliate lifestyle.

Get in the Trenches and best of luck!


If you’re looking for further Affiliate Marketing Guidance, check out StackThatMoney. Best community of experienced marketers from around the globe, exclusive meetups, follow along’s, tutorials and the knowledge of a thousand sun-gods.


Can’t Decide on Tracking Software?

I’ve recently switched over to a new tracking platform called Thrive by the guys over at iPyxel which I love. It’s still in development, but is constantly improving and making strides, and the best part about it can be self-hosted. The offer a 30-day trial and it’s $99 a month thereafter which is well worth the investment.

Those on a smaller budget can still opt to go the CPVLab route, another favorite of mine but a little more outdated. It is, however, more suitable for PPV traffic if that’s your traffic of choice.